17 January 2010

Novi Film

I tako mene ponekad zamole da napravim poster, a ja sam toliko lijen da trejsam fotografije s tabletom umjesto da ih nacrtam kako treba. U ovom slucaju, NLO-i su barem nacrtani posteno. Tj. nisu, nacrtan je jedan, a dva su kopi-pejstana.


Malo zajebancije s tabletom. U 2 ujutro. Nakon 3 piva. Neke ljude navodno puca inspiracija kad su pod 'utjecajem'. Mene ocito ne.

12 January 2010

Mr Loddington Goes to Work

The smog had cleared that morning - which is a rather uncommon thing to happen in Metropolis - and so Mr Loddington decided to take his batcycle instead of the usual line 315 for Stockstead Station. Only he forgot that it was a Sunday.

11 January 2010

10 January 2010


Not quite the guy in the picture, but I'm considering playing a bard.

09 January 2010


I really admire the work that diTerlizzi has put into Planescape. It may seem nothing special to some, but he's a big inspiration to me, and I love his simple, yet effective style.

08 January 2010

Time Machine

Ironično, evo još jedan za CRŠ 2008. Ali nije nešto originalan, furam se (pod)svjesno na Darija Kukića. :)

07 January 2010

Another Chance

Another unfinished story here, and I was actually halfway done (8 pages intended), and had even had a finished script and sketched pages.

I was doing this for the CRŠ 2008 festival (Funny Comics Show), because the CRŠ 2007 catalogue claimed the next topic would be "time machine." As months passed, there appeared to be no further news of whether there was even going to be a festival, let alone any deadline for comics submissions. So I delayed, and eventually quit. Mainly because I was dissatisfied with the last page; I made a lot of mistakes (hands in panels 3 and 4, for example, annoyed me a lot), wasn't so sure about the story any more, and I was altogether demotivated in the end. :( I can so easily find reasons to quit doing something like this, and of course I regret it later.

06 January 2010

Return of the Mothballs

Well, this is slightly newer... only two years old. It was intended to be only six pages, and yet I quit.

One of the reasons that I never finished this was because I didn't like the second page as much as the first, and thought of redoing it, but never found the will to bother. Or continue regardless. The idea was sort of a parody on Lovecraft. It's the future, the world is ruined, and the rulers of the world (who also happen to be cultists) decide it is time to summon their lord and master: Oggsogoth, the Tentacled Dreadfulness From The Backstage Universe of Doom. Once they sacrifice some virgins and bathe themselves in their blood, completing the summoning ritual, Oggsogoth arrives; but he is not what they had expected. As it happens, the race of Backstage Denizens has evolved from their vile beginnings of millennia ago, and has decided that they are better off without all the cultists and blood and pentacles, having devoted their immortal lives to peaceful meditation. Oggsogoth expresses his sympathies, hoping that mankind will find ways to evolve as well, and leaves the bewildered cultists to enjoy their ruined Earth.

05 January 2010

Mothballs Strike Back

Illustration for a short story I'd once started writing, and never finished. Sound familiar?

04 January 2010

Speaking of mothballs...

It may not look it, but this is at least four years old. I was 19. I'd used a computer mouse to colour it (just as I coloured everything at the time, before I got my little tablet). It brings me down that I haven't really improved at anatomy over the years, or at just about anything else. It seems to me sometimes that I've made very little progress. Then again, I don't know... If I work more, I might catch up. Anyway, judge for yourself. For those who might be interested in some really old work of mine, check out Dommy's Realm, my old web-page (it's down, actually, but my high-school-time gallery is still to be found there).

03 January 2010

Dawn of Finished Projects?

Year 2010. Something like five years has passed now since I started working on a sci-fi/fantasy comic, and a little less than that since I stopped. I'd made five pages. Haven't even finished the fifth. This has been symptomatic with all my comic 'projects' to this day: I get an idea, and it seems great at first. I never bother with preparing the story in full, 'cause I'd change my mind halfway through anyway. Only eventually it doesn't even come to that, and I just quit altogether because once a few weeks have passed, I dislike the whole thing, thinking: "What was I THINKING?" And so I drop the project. A while passes, sometimes even years, and then I get another idea... and the whole process repeats itself. Or did. I hope that this is behind me now. I hope the same will not happen with Vixen Virago, and that I will finish what I start from now on. And that comic of five years ago? Here it is, finally making its sad debut:


 Yes, I always overdo it in the first panel. Always. This was to be in colour. I'd started colouring the individual buildings in that panel. Madness! Sparta! Rains of frogs!!!