27 June 2010

Devils in the Ranks: The Least Baatezu

Wondering where the devils spring from, cutter? Well, the dark o' the matter is this: when evil primes (with lawful tendencies, of course) get penned in the dead book, their souls wind up in Baator (that's one of the lawful-aligned Lower Planes, or Hells, for you clueless berks) and are reborn as larvae (fig. 1).
Fig. 1: Baatorian Larva
Now, if you let the nature take its course, the larvae that survive will eventually be transformed into beautiful butterflies. Hah! Just kidding. Nothing of the sort; this is the Hells we are speaking of! And in Baator, the larvae tend to take only one shape: that of a nupperibo. However, the legends have it that nupperibos (fig. 2) are not really the devils that you and I are familiar with, but are in fact an even older form - that of the ancient Baatorians. Or, at least, they might become that if the fiends ever let them grow and develop naturally...
Fig. 2: Nupperibo
But, of course, they don't. Nupperibos are hunted down, herded up, and forcibly shaped into true baatezu form: the lemure (fig. 3). Lemures are actually one peg lower than the nupperibos, but are the only form that allows further advancement in the recognized baatezu ranks. Both nupperibos and lemures are used as expendable footsoldiers in the Blood War, and very few live to see a different fate.
Fig. 3: Lemure
Those few that survive (approximately one in a million) are then promoted to a first higher form: that of a spinagon (fig. 4). These devils are spies and messengers of the baatezu, and some of them can be quite cunning (a concept entirely alien to the mindless nupperibos and lemures). Now, as spinagons, these baatezu must learn in order to advance further. Each subsequent rank requires a specific lesson to be acquired, usually from experience. The spinagons therefore must learn that it is best to act (and succeed) as quickly as possible (in order to avoid any unnecessary hassle).
Fig. 4: Spinagon (Spined Devil)
Now, a good spinagon (well, not good good, of course, but resourceful and hard-working) may have a chance to advance to a higher rank: be it abishai, barbazu, osyluth, hamatula, or amnizu. Or, if he's a bad spinagon (surely you get it by now), he might end up a lemure again. But, ah, let's not get too carried away. This is enough of a lesson for today, cutter. More on the devils another time, eh?

15 June 2010

Galerija Male Vesne

Nda. :) Vjernim čitateljima: slijedeća dva tjedna ne očekujte postove; uči se i polažu se ispiti (hehe, nadam se). Ali zato bi se nakon toga trebalo krenuti punom parom; barem tri stripa čekaju da ih se započne ili dovrši, plus kojekakve uobičajene (čitaj: D&D, Planescape) ilustracije i gluposti koje vas ne zanimaju. Do tada... poželite mi sreću na ispitima. :)

13 June 2010

Knight Templar

This is a D&D Templar; historical Knights of the Temple generally did not wear Full Plate +1.

12 June 2010

Elric of Melniboné

A bit of practice in Photoshop (I got a bit carried away). I'm not too happy with the result, but, eh, we can't all be Frazetta. Even so, one can dream... therefore:

08 June 2010

06 June 2010

Strip City

Sinulo mi je da nemam ovaj strip ni na DeviantArtu ni ovdje na blogu (sve do sad), a na Macanovom sajtu (odakle je inicijativa i potekla) se već poodavno zagubio u arhivi, pa evo... Inače, Strip City se otprilike nastavlja na Regoča, a nekoliko epizoda su nacrtali i drugi, ali ne da mi se tražiti po spomenutoj arhivi da nabacim linkove (ali ako ih netko ima, slobodno javite).



Iako su reakcije bile vrlo pozitivne na ovaj strip, ja iz nekog ne baš jasnog razloga često zaboravljam da sam ga ikada nacrtao. A nije da nacrtam sto tabli godišnje, jelte, da bi se izgubilo u mnoštvu ili nešto (iako se jeste izgubio među folderima koje bih možda trebao ažurnije ažurirati). Možda zbog opskurne tematike; tko nije pratio Regoča i Macanov sajt vjerojatno neće skužiti poantu, pa osobno ne vidim svrhu ovo promovirati dalje - svi koji će ga skužiti su ga već davno pročitali. Mislim da mi je ovo jedini strip u kojemu sam ja glavni lik (koliko god to nevjerojatno zvučalo). Ali to je i bio cilj Strip City inicijative.

05 June 2010

The Lone Wanderer

Update: Počeo sam crtati Sergeja. Zasad tek radim na prvoj tabli (skicirana je i 20% tuširana), i opet radim istu grešku kao i uvijek: gubim vrijeme u detaljima već u prvom kadru. No, nadam se da ću se otrgnuti od toga u ostatku stripa i držati se jednostavnih, debelih linija. :)

03 June 2010