30 June 2011

And now...

... Señor Sergio Aragonés explains it for all the comic artists chasing deadlines everywhere and anytime...

This was me for the past week.
Did I catch the deadline? Unfortunately, no, even though I worked my ass off. :(
Looking on the bright side, there's always the next deadline... (small comfort, though)

26 June 2011

Sneak Peek II

Hopefully, finalna verzija uskoro u Sergej Stripu. ;)

A što se tiče dana stripa u Osijeku 2011., stalno su dva-tri mjeseca u budućnosti. Tako mi zadnje informacije kažu da će biti u rujnu. Živi bili...

24 June 2011

20 June 2011

Star Spawn of Cthulhu

Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

18 June 2011

Stone Golem

Photoshop. Bamboo. Foolin' around a bit.

09 June 2011


Nešto iz arhive projekta "Mrtva Točka".