28 October 2013

Džuka Džabalebaroš 38

Nisam išao na CRŠ, ali da jesam - ne bi bilo ovog Džuke. Treći kadar bi, naravno, bolje funkcionirao kao animirana sekvenca uz neku veselu glazbicu, ali što je tu je.

21 October 2013

Džuka Džabalebaroš 37

Koliko mi je dobra ova fora, toliko mi je nekako neprikladna za Džuku. Aktualna je, pa mi je to problematično, jer želim da Džuka bude bezvremen. A i mučio sam se sa Čobijem (nadam se da se kuži da je to Čobi, inače nema fore). Ali cijela ideja nekako se nametnula i nije htjela otići. Računajte da je ovo one-off; ubuduće ću pokušati izbjegavati gest selebritije. :)

Džuka Džabalebaroš 36

Ne znam koliko je ova pasica realna po pitanju naših zakona i nisam siguran rješava li se to na općinskom ili prekršajnom sudu, pa me slobodno ispravite. Također se pitam bi li Macan odobrio pasicu, sad kad objavljujem bez uredničkog rešetanja. :)

08 October 2013

Adventure Book - Cover and Characters

Half a year ago I worked on some illustrations for a choose-your-own-adventure book (at the end of each chapter you are offered several choices and directed to the appropriate page, thereby controlling the story somewhat). I drew the cover, some characters you can choose from at the beginning of the book, and the monsters you encounter. Here are some of the characters:

07 October 2013

Džuka Džabalebaroš 35

Konačno sam se sustigao na Fejsbuku sa Džukom, tj. 34 reprizne pasice su se izvrtile do kraja. Nove će uslijediti, ja se iskreno nadam, redovito nedjeljom premijerno na Fejsbuk stranici (lajkajte!), a PonedjeljQom tu na blogu. :)

04 October 2013

Google+ is evil!

I've fixed the problem that's been bothering me for days now. At first I thought it was my Photoshop/Color settings, but it turns out the problem was all along - Google!

In fact, the problem was Google+, which I didn't even have!

As it turns out, to solve the problem - I had to make a Google+ account, just so I could go into its settings and turn off something called "Auto Enhance", probably because Google defines the word "enhance" as "mess up". So if you're a Blogger user and your images get messed up after upload (i.e. change in colour, saturation, etc.), the problem is probably with Google+. Which you probably don't even have or use. And which has nothing whatsoever to do with Blogger - well, at least it shouldn't.

Imagine not being able to unclog your toilet because there's a loose shingle on your roof.

01 October 2013

DK Eyewitness Studies

A little practice with references from DK Eyewitness: Knight. I love those books!
Photoshop is driving me mad, though. I tried everything, and this still looks brownish even though it should be grayscale. Maybe it's just with Blogger/Google that it gets messed up; the last few posts here all look brown - and the very same files look just fine on DeviantArt (as well as in Windows and Photoshop). I hope it's Blogger's fault, cause I'm out of ideas as to how to fix it.