28 January 2014
27 January 2014
25 January 2014
21 January 2014
iOn rOz - Episode 1: "Route 666"
The first eight-page episode is finally over, and you can now read the comic here! The story will continue, but for the time being I am switching to another project (more on that soon).
Update: you can also read it here in a single image!
20 January 2014
19 January 2014
10 January 2014
The Black Tower
Did this about a year ago. Wasn't published anywhere. I started colouring it, stopped at the last page, gave up. Here it is in black and white, probably looks better that way anyway. Was supposed to be a part of a series, but I'm not sure it's going anywhere.
06 January 2014
Sergej - Tombola
Za neke već viđeno, ali za Internete evo premijernog objavljivanja moje "Pjesme o Sergeju", odnosno stand-alone gostujuće epizode Sergeja prema stripu Darka Macana. Epizodu je napisao Jurica Starešinčić, nacrtao ja, a objavljena je u Sergej Stripu br. 16. Ovo mi je bio prvi strip crtan perom i tušem, a ujedno i prvi (dovršeni) duži strip u A3 formatu.
05 January 2014
Machina Arcana - Interiors & Sketches
More illustrations and sketches I did for Machina Arcana early on. None of these will be published, for they found another illustrator for the interiors, and the rest are just sketches.
04 January 2014
Machina Arcana - Steampunk Items
More leftovers from last year. I was briefly involved in a project called Machina Arcana - now successfully funded on Kickstarter (my congratulations to the team)!
My original mission was to illustrate environments, but it turned out not to be my cup of tea. So they switched me to items, and I was happy with that, at first... Unfortunately, I was none too satisfied with the rate and quality of my output (when compared to other artists' on the team), so I quit. About a dozen of these item illustrations should still find their way into the final product, though. And here they are...
My original mission was to illustrate environments, but it turned out not to be my cup of tea. So they switched me to items, and I was happy with that, at first... Unfortunately, I was none too satisfied with the rate and quality of my output (when compared to other artists' on the team), so I quit. About a dozen of these item illustrations should still find their way into the final product, though. And here they are...
03 January 2014
Doktor Tko v.2.0
It's almost this blog's sixth birthday - and time for some freshening up! So here's a new background image; now including my girlfriend Vesna, myself, and our two cats - Arya and Ozzy. :)
02 January 2014
Victorian Graveyard
No greeting-card drawings this year, unfortunately, as I spent the New Year's in Budapest (excuses, excuses). So, here's some leftovers from last year (therefore, not related to seasonal greetings). Commissioned illustration for a roleplaying publication.