28 December 2014
10 December 2014
09 December 2014
18 November 2014
03 October 2014
02 October 2014
29 September 2014
Džuka Džabalebaroš 41
Hvala Mzungu Luki za citat Emme Goldman (koji sam malo frizirao i parafrazirao):
Anarhizam se, dakle, stvarno zalaže za oslobođenje ljudskoga uma od vlasti religije; za oslobođenje ljudskoga tijela od vlasti vlasništva; za oslobođenje od okova i ograničenja vlasti. Anarhizam se zalaže za društveni poredak zasnovan na slobodnom udruživanju pojedinaca kako bi proizvodili stvarno društveno bogatstvo; za poredak koji će jamčiti svakom ljudskom biću slobodan pristup zemlji i puno uživanje u životnim potrepštinama, prema individualnim željama, ukusima i sklonostima... Anarhizam je filozofija suverenosti pojedinca. On je teorija o društvenom skladu. On je velika, uzburkana, živa istina koja rekonstruira svijet i koja će najaviti zoru!
28 September 2014
Vixen Virago reVisited
At this point I don't think anybody really cares about Vixen anymore, so I guess I felt safe enough to draw her as part of a pen&ink tryout. I've had trouble finding paper that would work well with pen nibs, so I reached out in several directions at once. Nenad suggested I get some Schoelerhammer, and this is what I tried this out on (I guess it's OK). I also ordered some Strathmore Bristol, we'll see if it lives up to the hype. Finally, I've reached out to Bob and Mejo to see if they can get me something from Zagreb. All of this is probably overkill, as this Schoelerhammer seems to do the job just fine, but I like trying out new art supplies.
02 September 2014
28 August 2014
23 July 2014
Vaults Game
Vaults is a steampunk-themed tabletop card game for 2-4 players, and now it is out on Kickstarter!
I had the pleasure of illustrating the characters (thieves and burglars) that appear on the cards, as well as several items that they can use. Check it out!
You can find the full-sized illustrations in my Facebook gallery!
22 July 2014
11 July 2014
Guard Tower
I always liked illustrations like this (cross-sections of vehicles and buildings) when I was a kid. I guess I still do, and I wanted to give it a try. :)
09 July 2014
02 July 2014
Steampunk Characters
Recently I've drawn something over 40 illustrations for a tabletop card game. The theme of the game combines steampunk and burglary, so I looked for inspiration in the photos and mug-shots of the Victorian era. The game should be up on Kickstarter soon, and I'll be uploading character portraits daily on my Facebook page.
07 June 2014
Mzungu Luka
Mzungu Luka strip je koji planiram već neko vrijeme, kao što se vidi iz priložene table. Inspiriran Delisleovim autobiografskim putopisima (Shenzhen, Pyongyang, Burma Chronicles, Jerusalem), ali u mom slučaju baziran na tuđim putovanjima - konkretnije, tromjesečnom boravku mog prijatelja Luke Pejića (da, od Braće Pejić) u Tanzaniji.
Luka je odlučio zakomplicirati već dovršen koncept još jednim putovanjem u Tanzaniju. Ali idemo redom...
Strip čitajte na Facebooku jer je Blogger društveno(mrežno) neprilagođen.
25 May 2014
16 May 2014
22 April 2014
17 April 2014
Bayaz the Third
The First of the Magi - Master Bayaz from The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. My third (and for now last) attempt at drawing the character.
I might draw some of the other characters in the near future, when I find time.
16 April 2014
Bayaz the Second
The First of the Magi - Master Bayaz from The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. My second attempt at drawing the character.
15 April 2014
Bayaz the First
The First of the Magi - Master Bayaz from The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. My first attempt at drawing the character.
05 April 2014
Domigorgon Font
I've made a font based on my handwriting. I will probably make use of it in future comics. You're free to download and use it yourself, if you wish! (supports Croatian characters)
31 March 2014
Gnome Paladin
A commissioned roleplaying character. You can check out the drawing process in my Facebook gallery. Oh, yeah, by the way, I made a Facebook page (follow that link or the one to the upper right). See how trendy I am?
30 March 2014
28 March 2014
04 March 2014
Work work
I'm currently swamped with commissions and work that I cannot (yet) show, so here's filler - a coloured panel from The Black Tower comic.
The blog will probably be in a relatively short hiatus (for a month or so), but I should be coming back with some interesting stuff to share. :)