29 December 2012

Vixen Virago: Meet the Characters

Vixen Virago

Vixen is the stalwart captain of the Feisty Wench. She has made it her life's mission to fight against the forces of Ampaerium.
Born on the Free Isle of Arguar and left motherless at an early age, she was raised by her father, Iaxo Virago, the ship's previous captain. Merchant by trade, he sailed the main shipping routes and occasionally came to blows with pirates.
An attack that changed everything came not from pirates, but from an Ampaerial vessel, captained by Amperitus Ryse. The Feisty Wench managed to escape, but captain Iaxo and many of the crew did not. Vixen took over command and swore revenge against Ryse and his kind. As a Free Islander, she made a vow never to touch the Ground. She became a pirate herself, though only as a means to achieve her goals in the fight against the Ampaerium. Five years have passed since then...

Bosun Ridley

Maon Ridley is the boatswain on the Feisty Wench, though he is never heard giving orders. In fact, he is never heard at all. Many believe him mute, though he has never bothered to clarify the matter. Nor has he ever been seen to read or write, so it is entirely possible that he is illiterate.
How he came to hold the rank of bosun is unclear. Those that have known him for years have learned to tell his mood from the slight differences in his frown. He is the oldest crewman aboard, as well as the longest surviving. He already served as bosun under Iaxo by the time Vixen met him.
One thing remains true; he is completely loyal to Vixen, as he was to her father. 


Temnen O'Hartigan is the ship's first mate, though there is little love lost between him and the captain. They are both staunch fighters against Ampaerial oppression, and this seems to be sufficient reason to keep them working together.
Vixen does occasionaly, and grudgingly, admit that his strategies are sometimes the better, but she often deems them as too cautious or even cowardly.
The crew are used to their constant bickering and opposition. They may take their captain's side, but they are also glad that O'Hartigan will never hesitate to warn of any rushed decisions. The middle ground upon which the two find themselves usually seems to work.


Finnat "Tinker" Tiarnach is the ship's jack-of-all-trades, standing in as navigator, mechanic, doctor, and trainer. He is not human, but rather a descendant of the Tribes of Irial, commonly referred to as elves.
He is a hundred and twenty eight years old, but nothing betrays this fact. Quite the opposite; his behaviour would be entirely appropriate for an inexperienced teenage human. While socially inept, he is quite handy when it comes to the ship and its operations. The Feisty Wench would probably fall apart within minutes of his leaving its decks and masts.
Tinker is second mate on the ship, though he rarely pulls rank, preferring to do every task on his own. As far as his crewmen have noticed, he never seems to sleep, and is always tinkering with something - hence the nickname.

Niels Stauber

Niels Stauber is a Human-Ampaerial hybrid. They are very rarely seen in the Free Isles and are usually suspected of being Ampaerial spies. Why the Ampaerials would bother to use spies so obvious is anyone's guess. Or second-guess.
Niels himself is no less of a suspect. After he promises to reveal Captain Ryse's location to Vixen, he is reluctantly accepted into the crew... but only under lock and key.
Whatever his motives, Vixen has chosen to believe at least some of his claims. If anything, he has proven himself as an able navigator and an even better mechanic than Tinker.

Captain Ryse

Captain Amperitus Ryse is a commander in the Ampaerial Navy. Little is known about his past prior to the Great Cloud War, during which he proved himself an able combatant and strategist. He led many attacks against the Free Isles, subjugating them under Ampaerial rule and pulling them down one by one.
In one such attack, Ryse's vessels fell upon the Feisty Wench, but they were ultimately outrun. Captain Iaxo Virago sacrificed his life to stall Ryse and help his ship - and daughter - escape. This was in the final year of the War.
After the Sarbonna Treaty was signed, and a period of truce was reinstated, Ryse disappeared. Vixen swore to find him one day and claim her revenge.

25 December 2012

Happy holidays!

Quote lifted from Terry Pratchett's Hogfather, just in case anybody starts wondering...

10 December 2012

08 December 2012

Film Noir 4

Ovu neću ni pustiti da pogađate. Tko ne zna da je iz Casablance je filistejac.
Povratak noiru i laviranom tušu. Nedostajali su mi.

30 November 2012


Do 13. stranice sam napravio na samom eventu, a do 16. sam dovršio danas (priznajem, malo zbrzano, ali otprilike u okvirima planiranog). Možda bi se još tu mogla ubaciti tabla-dvije sa Snežanom i Uspavanom, ali to bi otprilike bilo to.

Uočavam i da sam zaboravio na Crvenkapičinu babu, ali ona je vjerojatno majstor iz sjene. :)

29 November 2012

Lady Sabre?

Kradu me!

For the record, Vixen je nastala 2009., a ovaj strip se čini iz 2011.
No dobro, koristimo neke iste (žanrovski nužne) steampunk trope, ali sličnosti tu prestaju. Ili? Neću čitati Lady Sabre, pa ako se neke druge sličnosti pojave... čista slučajnost.

27 November 2012

Vixen Virago p16

Stranica 16 (gore) zadnja je objavljena u Sergej Stripu #13. Na dnu stranice pisalo je "nastavit će se", ali trebalo je čekati više od godinu dana.
Stranica 18 je online, uz malo kašnjenje, ali stranica 19 bi trebala uskoro sustići.

24 November 2012

17 November 2012

Vixen Virago p15

Nova tabla Vixen (stranica 17) je online! Ispričavam se na malom kašnjenju. Inače je cilj staviti nove table srijedom, ali tu i tamo se omakne. No, uzme li se u obzir da je ova gore tabla tuširana 1. 3. 2011., a obojana prije dva tjedna... look on the bright side, eh? :)

Uf, kako vrijeme leti kad ništa ne radiš...

12 November 2012

Džuka Džabalebaroš 26

Bill Watterson nikada nije dao imena Calvinovim roditeljima. Čini se da ni ja nikada neću ovome Džukinom prijatelju.

08 November 2012

Vixen Virago p 14

Pratite li Vixen? Eno, 16. tabla je na stranici. Toliko je objavljeno u Sergej Stripu #13, a od idućeg tjedna idu nove i još neviđene!

Kad smo već kod Sergej Stripa... u broju 16 je (konačno) objavljen "Sergej: Tombola" koji sam crtao po scenariju Jurice Starešinčića. Yay!

U ostalim vijestima, ovaj vikend je VSS, inače Video Surveillance System, ali kod nas Vinkovački Salon Stripa, oživljen nakon 13 godina hibernacije! Baš smiješno: još na CRŠ-u (prije manje od dva tjedna) sam komentirao da sam čuo za namjere da se salon oživi, ali da nemam pojma hoće li se i kada to uopće ostvariti. Baš sam u tijeku za lokalna strip zbivanja proteklih mjeseci, ono... not. Doznao za salon na 24-satnom crtanju.

Speaking of which, 24-satno crtanje stripa za mene je završilo na 13 tabli. Nisam posve razočaran, jer sam zadovoljan onime što sam stigao nacrtati, a i namjeravam dovršiti strip kod kuće (ovih dana). Tema je bila super, ali su mi se cijelo vrijeme nametale Disney/Shrek asocijacije i stranputice. Možda će netko sad baš misliti da sam ponešto drpio od njih, ali to sam zapravo svjesno pokušavao izbjeći (ili parodirati). Atmosfera i društvo su bili dovoljno ugodni, makar su se svi razišli oko 10 ujutro. Posebno mi je bilo zadovoljstvo promatrati Dješku i Hajeka kako rade.

Dooođi u Viinkovceeee...

17 October 2012

Vixen Virago p13

Zadnjih tjedana sam bio zabavljen poslom, selidbom, te kupovinom novog monitora. Možda sad konačno mogu nastaviti kotrljati Vixen i Džuku...

29 September 2012


Mala proba... flomaster + lavirani tuš + Photoshop...

Tekst je upisan onako bezveze... inspiriran Đađ Dredom Filipa Kelave. :)

25 September 2012

22 September 2012

Džuka Džabalebaroš 23

Ovdje sam se dvoumio za punchline, jer sam (mislim) dosad izbjegavao psovke u Džuki. Ah, jebiga. :)

16 September 2012

Džuka Džabalebaroš 20 (ili 19)

Chicken or the egg question. Nisam mogao odoljeti. Nitko ne može. :)

15 September 2012

Džuka Džabalebaroš 19 (ili 21?) feat. "Ma daj!"

Ova pasica nastala je u suradnji sa Josipom Sršenom kao crossover sa njegovim stripom "Ma daj".
Objavljena je kao pasica broj 21, ali kronološki je zapravo flashback, jer iako se ideja manje-više razvila još oko 18-e pasice, trebalo mi je da se ohrabrim i predložim to Macanu i Sršenu. Oni su odmah zagrizli i pasica je nastala već idućeg dana, uguravši se kao pasica 21 (ali je zapravo bila 22.).
Sršen mi je poslao svoj font koji koristi u "Ma daj" poradi konzistencije. Ja sam njemu prvo poslao skicu, a zatim nacrtao sve i njemu ostavio da 'ispuni' TV ekran.

Mislim da sam se dosad sa Džukom najviše zabavio radeći upravo ovu pasicu. :)

Džuka Džabalebaroš 18

Džuka Džabalebaroš 17

01 September 2012

Mala Vesna Skače

Nešto malo nabrzinu sklepano u Flashu (~1h posla).

08 August 2012

Vixen p10

I dalje u zaostatku, ali evo 10. table u boji.
11. i 12. su isto skoro gotove, pa ih do petka šibnem na Smekđivs.

11 July 2012

I'm a mighty pirate!

Namjerio se na speedpaint u Photoshopu, a dobio ovo. :D

10 July 2012

Vixen p09

Nova tabla Vixen Virago je online. Malo kasnim zbog ljetnih vrućina, ali sustići ću se već (zacrtano je tabla tjedno i tako mora biti!). :)

Retro 80's

Za nostalgičare. Studentski tongue-in-cheek projekt iz Danske, navodno potvrđen za prvu sezonu. :D Što me odma asocira i na ovu parodiju He-Mana by Harry Partridge. A tu je i klasik (od istog autora) - Saturday Morning Watchmen. :)